Frequently Asked Questions


Don't have time or are seeking specific information ? Get in the know with the program through our handy frequently asked questions and their answers. Simple and to the point.


About the Awards

The Sparkies Awards are open to everyone, whether you are an individual, agency, brand, or organiĀ­ sation producing effective digital advertising executions. If you want to be recognised for your craft and share your success story with the world, get involved today!

Regular Entries
First entry - $250
Three Entries - $500
Rush Entries
First entry - $300 Second entry - $200
To get the additional entry & discounted prices, please ensure you enter all entries at once, and you need to get a payment confirmation id before starting the entry. Contact our ECHO Concierge for the same. If you are a member of DMAasia / Brandmasters, you may be eligible for gratis or discounted entries. To get the discount code, get in touch with the team who can provide you with one.

Official deadline: August 31, 2022
Extended Deadline: On request, with a late fee.

Sparkies award winners will be revealed during an awards ceremony in October 2022. We will announce all winners through social channels and our website, so make sure to follow us for the latest updates! Also, you receive an email notifying you of the results.
Nominations announced on our website and social channels:
Wednesday, October 04, 2022
Winners will be announced at the Awards Nite
Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Submitting your entries

Entry forms and the entry process is simple. We even have a quick start guide for the same.

Yes! You can save your entries as you go and then fine-tune them up until the official entry deadline via your entry dashboard. Follow these steps to edit entries., follow these steps to edit your entries.

You can pay via credit/debit/AMEX card on our payment portal at Townscript once your entries are in your basket. If you want to pay via bank transfer, additional charges apply. We do not send any physical invoices. The order id/payment screen is the final paid receipt. Payments must be received by the entry deadline to qualify for judging.

You will be able to edit your entries up until the deadline. To edit your entries, log on to your 'Dashboard'> Find your entry> click on the Edit button to start editing the entry.


Entry rules

You may enter as many categories as you like. Each entry will be treated as a separate entry, and payment will be made for each. Please note that you will only get the additional entry discount when you have booked the entries in bulk at the time of registration. There are no refunds in any situation whatsoever.

Our judges will evaluate your entry based on four characteristics of the Sparkie that are important to us, including strategy, Creativity, Implementation and effectiveness.Your work must be live to market within our judging period: April 2020- August 2022. Please ensure your entry is created between these dates.

All entries submitted must be legal. Any entries containing offensive material will be disqualified. Any entry or entrant that has a complaint upheld against it will be automatically disqualified.

The first names, their last word. The Sparkies Jury will judge all entries, who reserve the right to re-allocate entries that are entered in an incorrect category. They also reserve the right to remove categories where entries do not meet the standard for nomination.These entries will not be refunded as they will have been judged accordingly.



The DMA Brandmasters program is open to Brand Side marketers, Advertising Agencies & Marketing ecosystem enablers. Get in touch with us to get a bespoke proposal and round-the-year benefits provided to our annual member subscribers.

All entries have to be submitted on the awards portal at
We do not accept entries in any other form. All supporting creatives/videos or PPT will need to be uploaded on the portal within the award entry form.

DMA Brandmaster's annual subscribers, members of the jury and torchbearers are our privileged invitees. For non-member entrants & paid entries, one admits per winning entry will be provided. Entrants can purĀ­ chase additional tickets online on the ticketing portal

You will be able to edit your entries up until the deadline. To edit your entries, log on to your 'Dashboard'> Find your entry> click on the Edit button to start editing the entry.

Recognising Search & Conversational Marketing. AT ITS BEST.

Want to know everything you need about forms, fees, key dates, eligibility criteria , judging and our frequently asked questions ? Ask for our call for entries kit & get started guides.