Key Details

Dates. Fees. Concierge.

The most important details you need to get started on your journey to win a Trailblazer.

Key Dates


Are you a trailblazer who rose above the chaos and made a real difference in a post-pandemic world? The Trailblazer Awards are looking for heroes like you! Don't miss out on your chance to shine; find out all the nitty-gritty details of the awards to apply and be recognised as a true trailblazer in this new world. So, don't let your hard work go unnoticed; apply now and be part of the change you want to see in the world!
Eligibility Period
Initatives or campaigns created or continuing or work done and results tabulated before 1 Aug 2021 to 31st Jul 2023 (24 month period)
Submissions Deadline: 15 Aug 2023
Extended Deadline: 31 Aug 2023
Rush Deadline: 11 Sep 2023
Assessment Round: 22 Sep - 26th Sept
Final Round Judging: 28 Sep - 01 Oct

Grand Jury: 4 Oct

Shortlist Announced: 02 Oct 2023
Awards Nite
Mumbai - 11 Oct 2023

Form And Fees


Filling out the entry form? Piece of cake. Easier than trying to match the pioneering spirit of the greats. And the best part? It won't cost you a dime. Zero entry fee for individual categories. Corporations, It won't break the bank, you just need to contribute a small change just for a good cause. . Get started on your winning submission today!

Non Members & Entrants Organisation entries

  1. USD 250 / INR 20,000 per entry for single entries.
  2. USD 500 / INR 40,000 for the same campaign in 3 categories
  3. USD 2500 / INR 200,000 for bulk entries Capped at a max of 8 clients x 3 campaigns per client.

Individual Entries
- No fees for individual nominations

Gratis entries, as per eligibility criteria.

  1. For DMA Brandmasters Annual Subscribers & Members.
  2. For AdChoices program participants
Please ask for your eligibility criteria


Earning a nomination for the Trailblazer Awards is a walk in the park for all the incredible things you've accomplished, so let us make the process just as effortless. Our expert concierge team is here to assist you every step of the way, from simple registration to hassle-free form filling. Don't let the small stuff slow you down, we're here to make it all smooth sailing for you. So, go ahead and take a victory lap for all the trailblazing you've done and leave the rest to us.

Need support on entry forms, payments & registrations, please contact
Jitendra Mishra - [email protected] # +919990300020

For more details about your eligibility, please contact your relationship manager or
Supriya Thakral- [email protected] +919650717681

Elevate Your Impact.
The Sky is not the Limit.

Are you a company leading the charge in sustainability and social responsibility? Or an individual making a real difference with customer-centric products, programs, and communications? Well, look no further. The Trailblazer Awards 2023 is where you want to be. Join the ranks of the trailblazers and be celebrated for your game-changing efforts. And if you're considering throwing your hat in the ring, just request our Call for Entries kit for all the information on forms, fees, key dates, eligibility criteria, judging, and more. Let's elevate your impact together."